Cameraman: Being the cameraman was the most fun I had in this project. I got a crash course in camera techniques minutes before we actually started shooting. I was relieved to find out that shooting came naturally to me and that it wasn't too hard, however, I did have to have some help from Doug to figure out the different cameras I used and how each one can benefit my project. The camera techniques I learned were: 'B-Roll', dollying, trucking, etc. I found that the techniques I used the most were: dollying, trucking and 'B-Roll'. I'm not entirely sure if this was out of personal preference or just because the environment I was in sort of dictated my actions as a cameraman. Whatever the case, I'm glad the videos turned out so well. All that is left is to put in the voiceover and cut out the useless drivel and my group and I will be done.

Editor: As an editor I was there for the beginning of the editing process, scavenging for any and all footage or stills I could get my hands on to make the video more dynamic. Thankfully, I was able to cut out a lot of what my group and I deemed to be useless or unusable due to poor audio or video quality. However, after I became engrossed in being a cameraman, the roles sort of fell to whoever was best suited to them. Osmar was like a fish in water when editing the footage and putting it all together. However, I am starting to become the editor again after such a long time to sort of help speed up the process in time for the deadline.

Voice Actor?: Being the voice actor was surprisingly easy. Of course, it helps that our video is mainly comprised of interviews. Doug and Nikki both helped me make the script of which I am extremely grateful. I don't think I would have been able to write all of it out. I was having such a writers block it was ridiculous. After finally finishing the short script, Doug directed me to that little recording room past the microwave behind the round room. He showed me what I had to turn on and what buttons to press to make sure I was actually recording and how I could get it off of the computer. The recording was easily done after a few 
For the photoshop techniques I would to try: HOw to make a 3D photo booth and The DIY Stone Photo Holder: Make a Rad Photo Display for Under $5
I chose Laszlo Moholy-Nagy because I liked his style. I like how he captured each object instead of people or landscapes.

ECU. Medium shot, and dutch angle.
His subject choice is pretty consistent. It's usually objects. But he has some photos of people.
He traveled abroad as a highly sought after designer, He designed stage sets for successful and controversial operatic and theatrical productions, designed exhibitions and books, created ad campaigns, wrote articles and made films.
He was a former supporter of the communist regime "Red Terror"
I think that our culture is very open and diverse so I believe a lot of people, like me for instance, will enjoy his work.
I can take pictures
Hands of Love

1: Expository

2: I was so surprised that there are so many slums in one country and the conditions in which are terrible. To make matters worse, there are 1,000,000 people crammed in there!

3: I think it was neither advantageous or beneficial. It seemed like a normal documentary, like something you would see on the discovery channel. It was quite impressive that students our age were able create a documentary of this caliber.

17 & Unidentified

1: Expository

2: It's so impossible for people to get even basic human rights. Furthermore, they, the Haitians, are discriminated against which closes even more doors for them.

3: I think it was a disadvantage. To me, it was slightly less professional and some scenes really could have been improved.
I believe that I really have a familiarity with Observational documentary because I really like to watch shows like: Blue Planet, Life, etc.

However, I believe that Participatory documentary would be better for our documentaries. As students, it gives us new and, hopefully, beneficial experiences and helps us to get out of our comfort zone and try new thing. As film makes I believe that this would the best approach because it really helps us to empathize with whatever we are trying to present.